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Program & Services


Parivarthan (An Integrated Rural People Welfare Society) is maintaining a special school for hearing Impaired Children in both day & residential care with the financial support of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Department of Disability Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi and local donors.


The school is designed to help children with hearing and speech disabilities. Our objective is to equip these children with the ability to hear, speak and establish a sense of independence and develop a strong foundation in language and speech. Our school not only provides training to these special children but also provides comprehensive evaluation and diagnostic services.


Parivarthan (An Integrated Rural People Welfare Society) is successfully promoting special education and vocational training to hearing-impaired children. The success is due to a holistic approach adopted by Parivarthan that provides rehabilitative services to stakeholders of the school. Hearing-impaired children are being provided, training, guidance, counseling, free Diagnostic services, and Speech Correction Therapy by special educators with the help of a Pure Tone Audiometric machine.



Comprehensive diagnostic, therapeutic, and educational services are being provided to the hearing & speech impaired. An interdisciplinary team of special educators, social workers, ENT specialist,s and pediatricians maintain high standard of rehabilitation services like:


  1. Evaluation and diagnosis of hearing, speech, and language impairment 

  2. Medical consultation and guidance.

  3. Selection and fitting of hearing aids with Ear Moulds.

  4. Speech and language therapy.

  5. Parent guidance and counseling.

  6. Educational evaluation and guidance to parents.

  7. Psychological evaluation and counseling.

  8. Vocational Rehabilitation and counseling.

  9. Awareness programs for different target groups.

  10. Technical guidance to various agencies.




In addition to normal speech and auditory training equipment, the school has the latest Computer Aided Speech Development System along with normal education to the students. Parivarthan organized number of skill development / vocational training and other training programmes to improve the skills of Hearing Impaired Children.


The institute also focuses on the individual’s competence, deficiencies, learning and residual capacities of the children with special needs. It encourages them to participate in sports & games, cultural activities to exhibit their hidden talents on several occasions. Many children with Hearing Impairment have participated in different events and won several prizes during the year 2020-2021. Apart from the special education & training, this institute has also conducted some special events, in which children with special needs and faculty of the institute have actively participated

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